Reason #1: You over-exercise
You may be thinking, “But exercise burns calories, lifts our mood, and can help prevent disease”, well, by exercising too much (yes, there is such a thing) it can lead to hormone imbalance which can lead to your body holding onto fat. Not to mention the stress put on your body by not giving it enough time to rest and recover.
Reason #2: You are consuming too many processed foods
By consuming too many processed foods, you likely won’t be getting in a good amount of nutrients. As well, if you are consuming artificially flavored, colored, or sweetened foods, those can mess with your hormones and lead to your body holding onto more fat as well.
Additionally, due to the lack of fiber and nutrients, you might still feel hungry regardless of how much and how recently you just ate, resulting in overeating.
Reason #3: You are exposed to a ton of endocrine disrupters
Most mainstream perfumes, body sprays, lotions, creams, shampoos, deodorants, cleaning products, etc., contain numerous endocrine disrupters. If you are constantly exposed to all of these toxins, your body isn’t able to detoxify efficiently enough, so they can get stored in your fat cells. This can make it a LOT more difficult to lose weight.
I really hope this blog post was informative and helpful!
Let me know if you want me to go into more detail about something!
Have an amazing day, beautiful soul!