How to Get Rid of Indented Acne Scars Naturally & At Home Without Spending a Ton of Money

First off I will introduce myself! I’m Marissa Schillinger and I help women with acne get clear, glowing skin naturally! I struggled with pretty severe cystic acne in my past and am currently in the process of healing my pitted acne scarring. You can find all sorts of acne tips and information within my blog!

Now let’s get into this post!!


Exfoliating helps speed up the natural, normal process of cell turnover in which dead skin cells shed and new ones take their place. There are MANY different ways to exfoliate! Here is a list of some:

-Chemical peels (salicylic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid)

-Baking soda

-Skin brush 

-Facial scrub

-Bentonite clay mask (my current FAV!)

Consume extra protein & lots of nutrients

One big mistake I’ve made in the past that led to SUPER slow healing of my scars was that I wasn’t consuming EXTRA protein. Protein is essential for helping to build and repair skin and other body tissues, which is why it’s important to include extra when you are trying to heal and repair skin!

Consuming lots of nutrients is important because nutrients are essential to help our bodies heal and repair. Some of the nutrients that are most important when it comes to healing scars are Vitamins C & E, and zinc.

Reduce stress

Chronic stress inhibits our body’s ability to heal, so when trying to heal our body, we need to make sure to reduce stress.

Some great stress reducing practices include:

-Deep breathing



-Taking to a friend, family member, or significant other

-Listening to music you love

-Going on a walk

That’s it for today’s post! I really hope these tips were helpful!!! Let me know if there’s anything you have questions about or want me to cover in more detail!

Have a great day!!



See also: