Two MAJOR Steps To Take To Clear Your Acne Naturally

First off I will introduce myself! I’m Marissa Schillinger and I help women with chronic acne get clear, glowing skin naturally by taking a personalized, holistic approach! I struggled with pretty severe cystic acne in my past and am currently in the process of healing my pitted acne scarring. You can find all sorts of acne and health tips & information within my blog!

Now let’s get into this post!!

1. Reduce your exposure to toxins

Switch out your everyday products that contain harmful ingredients for non-toxic products (be careful because many products are labeled as “non-toxic” but still contain ingredients that can be harmful!). Such products include deodorant, face wash, body wash, shampoo, menstrual products, toothpaste, mouthwash, cleaning products, perfume/body spray, etc.

Some of the ingredients to look out for and avoid are parabens, pthalates, oxybenzone, polysorbates, petrochemicals, triclosan, TEA/DTA, ethoxylated ingredients, fragrance, and artificial colors.

Tip: start by switching out one product at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed! For example, start by switching out your toothpaste, then your deodorant, then your body wash, etc.

Also, it is best to make sure that any animal products you buy are organic, as well as any produce on the Dirty Dozen list because these foods can contain high levels of herbicides, pesticides, fungisides, and insecticides.

Lastly, quit smoking and vaping if you currently do, and avoid second-hand exposure when you can.

2. Detoxify your body

When I talk about detoxification, I’m NOT referring to any short-term “cleanse” such as a juice cleanse or water cleanse, etc.

I’m referring to a complete detoxification, which goes through 3 different phases. It is super important to go through each 3 phases of detoxification, not just 1 or 2 of the phases. A complete detoxification consists of eating a healthy diet, consuming lots of water, and supplementation.

During the first phase, toxins are converted to more water-soluble versions because they can’t be eliminated unless they’re water-soluble. During this process, damaging free radicals are created, and in the transition to phase 2, another type of cell damaging molecules called ROSs are produced. This is why it’s SO important to continue into phases 2 and 3.

During each phase there are certain nutrients that are super important for that specific phase, which is another reason why juice cleanses and water cleanses aren’t great for detoxification because they lack in nutrients. This is also why supplementation is most of the time necessary.

I hope this was helpful! Have an amazing day!