The Ultimate Hashimotos Thrival Guide

First off I will introduce myself real quick in case you are new here!

I’m Marissa, an Acne & Certified Autoimmune coach who helps women up-level their health and confidence so they can not just survive, but THRIVE!

You can find TONS of helpful health information in my blog, and I especially have ALOT of information on acne because I struggled with cystic acne for years!!

Now let’s get into the good stuff!!

First things first I will talk about which foods are best and which ones can be harmful! Then I’ll go over some helpful supplements and lifestyle practices! Ultimately, though, taking a personalized approach is absolutely key!

(Quick fact about me: One of the reasons I’m extremely passionate about helping women with Hashimotos is because my mom has both Hashimotos and Rheumatoid Arthritis!)

Foods To Focus On:

  • Wild-caught fish, flax seeds, & walnuts (contain omega-3’s to help reduce inflammation)
  • Sea vegetables (contain iodine which is important for proper thyroid function)
  • Organic vegetables
  • Healthy fats such as coconut & coconut oil, avocado & avocado oil, and olives & olive oil (beneficial for both hormone and digestive health)
  • Proteins such as organic poultry and organic grass-fed meat

Foods To Avoid:

  • Gluten (is inflammatory AND contains a protein called gliadin which is very molecularly similar to the thyroid gland, so if it enters the bloodstream through the digestive tract due to a leaky gut, the immune system may attack the thyroid since it is already primed to)
  • Dairy (is inflammatory and irritating to the lining of the gut)
  • Soy (blocks the thyroid from absorbing iodine)
  • Nightshades (may trigger autoimmune flare ups)
  • Raw cruciferous veggies (may decrease thryoid function and block iodine absorption; opt for cooked instead)

Supplements That May Be Helpful:

*Always check with your healthcare provider before taking any new supplements!

  • Selenium (helps with the production of free T3)
  • Omega-3’s – A high-quality fish oil (helps reduce inflammation)
  • L-tyrosine (may be lacking in people with thyroid problems)
  • Probiotics (helps balance gut flora)
  • Vitamin D3 (beneficial for the immune system)
  • Ashwagandha (helps reduce stress and improve thyroid function)

Helpful & Important Lifestyle Practices

  • Stress reduction techniques
  • Minimizing exposure to environmental toxins
  • Strengthening relationships and connection to others & self
  • Daily physical activity

And there you have it! The ultimate Hashimotos Thrival Guide!

Let me know if you have any questions! I hope this was helpful!! <3

1 Comment

  1. I didn’t realize raw cruciferous veggies might be a problem. It seems like we always love the things that are not good for us. I’ll start cooking them!

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