3 Rules To Clear Acne Long-Term

First off I will introduce myself! I’m Marissa Schillinger and I help women with chronic acne get clear, glowing skin naturally by taking a personalized holistic approach! I struggled with pretty severe cystic acne in my past and am currently in the process of healing my pitted acne scarring. You can find all sorts of acne and health tips & information within my blog!

Now let’s get into this post!!!

Rule #1: Don’t only treat your acne topically.

Acne is a symptom, so by only treating your acne topically, you are covering up a symptom of a greater issue. More likely than not, if all you are doing is topically treating it, it will eventually come back, and possibly worse. You’ve got to address what is going on internally, which leads to the next rule.

Rule #2: Avoid problematic foods & add in nutrient-dense foods.

If you continue consuming large amounts of foods that are causing inflammation and/or digestive issues, then you can’t expect your body to heal and your acne to clear long-term.

Adding in nutrient-dense foods allows your body to take in important nutrients that help keep the body healthy. Nutrient-dense foods include foods that are in their whole form, not processed.

Everyone’s body is different, so some foods that are nutrient-dense may not agree with your body at this point in time. This is why personalized protocols are key! Working with a coach can be extremely helpful in creating a protocol personalized to you and your lifestyle specifically.

For a general list of the best & worst foods for acne, check out this blog post of mine:

Rule #3: Take a personalized holistic approach.

There is no “one size fits all” acne protocol. People have different root causes and contributing factors to their acne, and everyone’s body is unique. This explains why just because a certain protocol worked wonders for one person clearing their acne, doesn’t mean it will work wonders for everyone with acne. Personalization is absolutely KEY.

Another key thing when it comes to creating an acne clearing protocol is to take a holistic approach, which addresses each body system. Your digestive health, hormone health, mental health, emotional health, kidney health, and liver health, etc. are all interconnected. Since they are all interconnected, a problem with any one of your body systems will have an effect on the others and the overall health of your body.

As I mentioned, acne is a symptom, so any internal problems must be addressed if you want to clear your acne long-term.

To recap, here are the three rules to clear your acne long-term: don’t only treat your acne topically, avoid problematic foods & add in nutrient-dense foods, and take a personalized holistic approach!

I hope this was helpful!! Let me know if you have any questions!